Can Dogs Eat Jam?
Jam is a common item to have in the cupboard whether for toast, in a sandwich or in a range baked goods. As you’re eating jam on toast in the morning, it’s natural to wonder whether you could also feed some jam to your dog.
Before you consider adding a spoonful to a dog-friendly recipe or for your dog to have on its own, you should understand the potential health risks of your dog consuming jam.
Jam is made with an extremely high sugar content from both the fruit in the jam and added sugars meaning jam is not recommended for dogs, nor safe for your dog to eat.
Despite some jams containing non-toxic fruit for dogs, the extremely high sugar content outweighs the benefits of any fruit in the jam.
Jams such as blueberry or strawberry are not directly toxic to your dog, but any jam with grapes for instance can be fatal.
Most human foods are not safe for dogs. You should never add them to your dog's diet without checking with a vet first or doing your own research.
Any low-sugar or no-sugar jam alternatives are not safe for your dogs due to the artificial sweetners added to keep the jam sweet which can make your dog sick.
Jam in any quantity can lead to digestive issues in your dog such as vomiting and diarrhea.
Feeding your dog foods high in sugar such as jam, can cause dental problems. Consuming often will also result in weight gain and contribute to developing diabetes.
Any jam made from fruit that is toxic to dogs or made with ingredients such as xylitol can lead to weakness, vomiting, seizures or be potentially fatal.
With the main concern surrounding jam being the high-sugar content you may be partial to the idea that sugar-free jam is safe for your dog.
However, sugar-free jam is also not safe for your dog in any quantity. Sugar-free jam contains a range of artificial ingredients & sweetners which can make your dog very poorly if consumed.
Xylitol is an ingredient often found in sugar-free foods used as a sweetener and unfortunately toxic to dogs. If your dog consumes any food containing xylitol you should contact your vet immediately.
Read our article to learn more about why you should never give xylitol for dogs.
Despite strawberries boasting several health benefits for dogs, strawberry jam is not recommended to give to your dog.
Strawberry jam is full of sugar which can cause your dog to have an upset stomach, and is bad for their teeth.
Whether a dog has been given jam accidentally or they have reached up to a worktop/ table and eaten some food containing jam, you should contact your vet immediately and seek medical advice.
Whenever considering giving human-food to your dog always air on the side of caution and don’t give it to them unless you are sure the food is safe your dog to eat.